Wednesday, March 9, 2011

rubella syndrome

Rubella syndrome, or congenital rubella, is a group of physical

Rubella syndrome, or congenital rubella, is a group of physical

 rubella syndrome (CRS) with serious malformations of the developing

rubella syndrome (CRS) with serious malformations of the developing

6-Types of cataracts. Bilateral

6-Types of cataracts. Bilateral

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is extremely rare in countries with

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is extremely rare in countries with

Number of reported rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)

Number of reported rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)

Rubella syndrome, or congenital rubella, is a group of physical

Rubella syndrome, or congenital rubella, is a group of physical

Government figures show that cases of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)

Government figures show that cases of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)

X-ray of the lower limbs in a newborn with congenital rubella syndrome.

X-ray of the lower limbs in a newborn with congenital rubella syndrome.

WHO | Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome

WHO | Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome

Rubella (German

Rubella (German

 4 yrs old, has been diagnosed with Congenital Rubella syndrome.

4 yrs old, has been diagnosed with Congenital Rubella syndrome.

pelvic crossed syndrome.

pelvic crossed syndrome.

Rubella vaccine use varies by the economic status of the country.

Rubella vaccine use varies by the economic status of the country.

Rubella can cause congenital rubella syndrome in the fetus with birth

Rubella can cause congenital rubella syndrome in the fetus with birth

Rubella, German Measles, Skin Rash

Rubella, German Measles, Skin Rash

 exposure to rubella because it can lead to congenital rubella syndrome.

exposure to rubella because it can lead to congenital rubella syndrome.

Congenital Rubella Syndrome utero fetal infection in first twelve weeks of

Congenital Rubella Syndrome utero fetal infection in first twelve weeks of

The congenital rubella syndrome provides the only unequivocal evidence that

The congenital rubella syndrome provides the only unequivocal evidence that

 rubella and only one case of congenital rubella syndrome were reported

rubella and only one case of congenital rubella syndrome were reported

Number of reported cases of measles and rubella by age group.

Number of reported cases of measles and rubella by age group.


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